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Source: This mele inoa for Hiʻiaka is learned by most hula students when they begin the study of ancient hula. The dancer is the olapa and these chants are sometimes called Hula Olapa. Maukele is in the Puna district of Hawaiʻi and Paliuli was a legendary paradise. Kaululāʻau (grove of trees) was a chief of Maui, the mischievous son of Chief Kakaʻalaneo. Pele asked her sisters to dance and sing for her. All except the youngest, Hiʻiaka i ka poli o Pele (Hiʻiaka in the bosom of Pele), asked to be excused. She danced to a chant about Puna, a place she loved dearly, the home of her friend, Hopoe. Pele promised not to destroy Puna. Pele asked Hiʻiaka to go to Kauaʻi and escort Lohiʻau, Pele's dream lover back to her. Pele destroyed Puna in a fit of jealousy, when she thought Hiʻiaka would try to keep Lohiaʻu from her. | Momi Aarona Kepilino