Entrance Chant - Kaua'i

Kûnihi ka mauna i ka la'i
I Wai'ale'ale i Wailua
Huki a'e la ka lani
I ka papa auea a ka nâ kini
Alai ia a'ela la e Nounou
Ha'a ka lau la mauka o Kapa'a ê
Mai pa'a i ka leo
He 'ole kâhea mai a

E hea i ke kanaka e komo maloko
E hânai 'ai a hewa a'e ka waha
Eia no ka uku la he leo
He leo wale nô

Call by head dancer:
The mountain stands out clearly in the calm
At Wai'ale'ale, at Wailua
Lifted up to heaven
By the sacred order of the kinship of gods
Now obstructed by Nounou
The leaves dance mountainward of Kapa'a
Do not withhold the voice
Speak the call to come in

Answer from master:
Call the man to come within
Feed him lest his mouth err
Here is the pledge, a voice,
Only a voice

Source: K. Garza-Maguire - Nounou is the mountain known as the Sleeping Giant in the Kawaihau district, Kaua'i