Kaleponi Hula - Hele Au I Kaleponi - Bina Mossman

Hele au i Kaleponi
Hoʻi mai, male kāua
He aha kou makemake
A pane mai la ʻoia ala
Pāpale ipu kapakahi
Kāmaʻa hila ʻauliʻi
Kīhei kuʻu weluwelu
Palekoki hapa nihoniho
Ame ka lole mūʻekekeʻi
I'm going to California
When I come back, we'll be married
What do you want me to bring you?
She answered:
A hat with a crooked crown,
A pair of high-heeled shoes,
A shawl with a fringe
A petticoat with half scallops
And a very short, tight skirt

Source: Baker Collection - A young man leaving for California plans to return with gifts for his bride