- Hoʻoheno kuʻu sweetie
- No welo i ka puʻuwai
- Ka kiʻina noeʻau nui akamai
- Pili au me ʻoe
- ʻAlawa mai ʻoe me ka nui ʻeu
- Me nā maka hoʻohaehae
- He aha no kau hana
- E tease mai nei iʻau
- Kau no o ka hoʻohai
- Ka ʻaka e hene nei
- Hoʻonapenape ana i kuʻu manaʻo
- He aloha nou
- Onaona no koʻala
- Lalawe i ka nui kino
- E kono mai ana iʻau e noho i kou alo
- E hoʻoipo mau
- Haʻina ʻia mai ana ka puana
- Hoʻoheno kuʻu sweetie
- Nui hoʻohai
- Pili ana me ʻoe
- My
sweetheart is affectionate
Courting hearts
With clever fetching glances and great skill
I'm close to
- Look here, you
- Full of mischief
- With provocative eyes
- To tease me
- Your coquetry appears in
- The laughter that teases
- Rising and falling in my
- Is love for you
- Sweet, your fragrance
- It thrills me all over
- Enticing me to stay in your
- And make love forever
- Told is the story
- My sweetie
is affectionate
- A great coquette
- I'm close to