- Aia Lēʻahi, ʻuheʻuhene
- Kaimana Hila, ʻuheʻuhene
- Hōkū kau ʻale kai aʻo Māmala
- ʻUheʻuhene
- Mālama pono ʻoe, ʻuheʻuhene
- I ka poe pele, ʻuheʻuhene
- O ili kāua la i laila
- **O ili kāua i ka pūkoʻa
- ʻUheʻuhene
- ʻO ka poe kaulana, ʻuheʻuhene
- Kau i ka nuku, ʻuheʻuhene
- Nānā aʻo hoʻowale nei i ka moana
- ʻUheʻuhene
- Hāʻawi ke aloha, ʻuheʻuhene
- Lūlū lima, ʻuheʻuhene
- Me nā huapala maka onaona
- ʻUheʻuhene
- Kau aku ʻoe, ʻuheʻuhene
- I ke kaʻapiʻo, ʻuheʻuhene
- Pa ana ka uwepa kiani
- ʻUheʻuhene
- Kupaianaha, ʻuheʻuhene
- Kahi kalaiwa, ʻuheʻuhene
- Ka lawe no a kikiʻi pau
- ʻUheʻuhene
- Haʻina ʻia, ʻuheʻuhene
- Mai ka puana, ʻuheʻuhene
- O ka poe kaulana kau i ka nuku
- ʻUheʻuhene
- Haʻina ʻia, ʻuheʻuhene
- Mai ka puana, ʻuheʻuhene
- Goodbye kāua e ke aloha
- ʻUheʻuhene
**alternate stanza
- There is Leahi, tra la la la
- Diamond Head, tra la la la
- Rising star of Māmala
- Tra la la la
- Watch out, tra la la la
- For the bell buoy, tra la la la
- Coming to view by the
- **
- Tra la la la
- The festive crowd, tra la la la
- Stands at the harbor
mouth, tra la la la
- Just looking at the
- Tra la la la
- Give love, tra la la la
- Shake hands, tra la la la
- Sweetheart with the gentle
- Tra la la la
- You ride, tra la la la
- In the carriage, tra la la la
- And use the whip
- Tra la la la
- Reckless, tra la la la
- The way you drive, tra la la la
- Almost tilting as we go
- Tra la la la
- Told is, tra la la la
- The story, tra la la la
- The festive crowd at the mouth
of the harbor
- Tra la la la
- Told is
- The story
- Both of us say goodbye with
- Tra la la la
**alternate stanza