Mai Poina ʻOe Iaʻu
- by Lizzie Doirin
- ʻO ʻoe kaʻu i hāʻupu aʻe nei
- E ka ʻōpua hiki ahiahi
- Hiki maila nō hoʻi ʻoe
- Maha aʻela nei puʻuwai
- Hui:
- Mai poina ʻoe iaʻu
- E kaʻu mea e liʻa nei
- E hoʻomaumau ka ʻikena
- I mau ai ke koiʻi a loko
- Ohaoha wale hoʻi
- Ko aloha iaʻu nei
- Me ʻoe pū aku nō ia ʻupu
- I lei mau no nā kau a kau
- It is you that I am thinking of
- O cloud that comes in the
- And when you have come
- This heart is at rest
- Chorus:
- Do not forget me
- Beloved, of my heart
- Let your visits be more frequent
- That the love may remain fresh,
- Your love is ever fresh
to me
- May you too, feel the same
- That our love be as a lei
- Throughout the seasons

Facsimile of ribbon Queen Liliʻuokalani gave to her friends when she was imprisoned in ʻIolani Palace.
Source: Leilani Sexton (grandaughter of
Lizzie and Alfred Alohikea) - Elizabeth Kahau Alohikea used
the pen name of Lizzie Doirin on some of her compositions.
She may have used this name to honor one of her aunts,
This mele was first published 1907, in the Hawaiian News Co. Ltd. ©
1916, 43 Charles E. King Translation by Mary Pukui |